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Top Frozen Açaí is a company in the food industry, created in Manaus in 2009, specialized in transforming the açaí pulp into a beverage with the consistency of “frozen”.

We see behavior change and the search for quality of life as an opportunity to do business. We combine the nutritional richness of açaí with the innovation in the style of offering and serving.

Top Frozen has consolidated itself in the Amazon market, linking the best technical standards, which guarantee quality, to the entrepreneurial spirit.

Our differential is to provide quick and accessible services to the public who, in the course of their daily lives, do not have the time necessary to correctly meet their nutritional demand. We always cultivate humanized service.

Top Frozen has twenty-two points of sale, distributed among several kiosks and 3 stores, in all areas of the city of Manaus, located in points such as: Shopping Centers, University Centers, Hypermarkets and others.

Our mission is to offer açaí in its best versions, with unparalleled flavor and in safe environments. We always aim to provide the best service experience, and for that we invest in training and valuing our employees.

We are a company associated with ABF (Brazilian Franchise Association) since 2018, when Top Frozen formatted its business model for replication in other cities and for entrepreneurs.

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Top Frozen Açaí is a company in the food industry, created in Manaus in 2009, specialized in transforming the açaí pulp into a beverage with the consistency of “frozen”.

Top Frozen Açaí Industry and Commerce

CNPJ: 11.345.912/0001-11 Rua Jardim Olinda, nº 2 Block J7 Águas Claras Complex, Bairro Novo Aleixo

CEP: 69098-112

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